jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009


What is the point on living
if you have nothing to live for?
What is the point on knowing love
if you are going to lose it?
What is the point of existance
if you are not going to live?

Onece i had love, and i lived happy as ever
but my baby dumped me and that ruined my life.

I have no love
I have no soul
I have no life
I am nothing but a bunch of love
to give to someone
that doesn´t want it anymore.

I disbelieve about everything I used to live for
but i am not going to let God win the game
Cards are over the table
and i have nothing but a single broken heart
I am lost, i have nothing to do anymore
but i am to damm proud of myself to accept life won again.

I have nothing to live for
but a lot of things to die for
Isn´t that pathetic?

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